Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Rude Awakening

   This morning I woke up at 7:30am with a bloody nose. It literally woke me up from my sleep. Blood was dripping from my nose! There was a puddle of blood where my face had laid. I had to wake Hannah to tell her to get me Kleenex. So I went to the bathroom to clean up then I had to change my sheets. It bled through and got on my mattress. Luckily Grandma knew that if you put Hydrogen Peroxide (the stuff in the brown bottle) on the blood stain it will like dissolve away so that is what I did and it dissolved away ! For 14 years I never have gotten a bloody nose. No matter how hard my nose got hit it would never bleed! Until my 15 birthday when I woke with the same situation as this morning. Since then I have gotten a bloody nose at least once a month! At the most random moments I won't even get hit it the nose I will just blow my nose and I will get one! It is like my blood has collected over the years after every time I've gotten hit and now it is ready to come out! 

The End.    


Jeremy said...

Yummy. I'm telling you, HANNAH hits you in the face during the night. You probably pissed her off sometime during the day!

Becca said...

Dude I don't doubt it!!

Aunt Me said...

You know they piss eachother off all day long. They wake me up around 12:30 everynight fighting. What do they expect.

Amy said...

That's a sad tale.

I didn't know about the hydrogen peroxide. Good to know.

Jeremy said...

Hit her back! GO FOR IT! Make sue she's asleep though

Dan said...

It's NOT a too-mah!