I can't take it
Restless nights
I can't breath
Achy body
I can't do it
High pulse-rate
It's Over
I need to quit
Good-Bye Dr. Pepper.....
I Think I need to stop. I know I have said it before and I quit for a week but then I gave in. This time I really need to stop I have had it with not being able to sleep at night, having an achy and tired body and with the diabetes that runs in our family I'm just asking for it.
I have had two to three Dr.peppers a day this week and I haven't been able to sleep at night. Every time I walk for just a short amount of time I would run out of breath and get weak and every time I drink like half of it I have to go pee really bad (that might just be because I have a small bladder) But still....
I'm Done.
Holy crap, Becca! You're out of control. Time to give it up for awhile.
Good luck.
Keep some aspirin handy. A bottle of water too. Get some exercise.
*Jeremy stares blankly at Becca...he blinks twice...he continues to stare..*
I need some sleep too!!!! So by you quitting it will let you sleep and you won't keep me awake. Not to mention I think it will be easier on my budget. I will keep you to it.
Take a Lunesta.
I tried a Lunesta last night at 1 o'clock in the morning. After I took it, I tried to fight it, because I wanted to see if it would really put me out. I made it about fifteen minutes or so before I realized I couldn't form a complete thought, and my eyelids wouldn't stay open anymore.
I woke up at 1:30 this afternoon.
That. Stuff. Is. Awesome! Twelve hours of sleep! No interruptions.
Aside from the metallic taste in my mouth, which is a common side effect of the drug, and a persistent feeling like I need to go back to bed, it's a great way to get some sleep.
I bet I could go back to sleep for another three or four hours if I wanted to. And I might.
*Jeremy still stares...*
Stop staring at me!!!!!
And Dan last night i got 9 hours of sleep! And then i took a 3 hour nap! With no pill! Its probably cuz i haven't had any soda for the past two days!!!
I'm like not even craving soda, yes i would enjoy one, But I'm fine without it!
*Now Dan is beginning to stare.*
I'm still in shock!!!
My body doesn't need soda to keep me awake at night. Instead- RESPONSIBILITY keeps me tossing and turning. Because I know I need to wake up to watch Jaxx and Taylee- I wake up every single hour- look at the clock to see if I should wake up yet and it takes twenty to thirty friggin minutes to go back to sleep.
Even now as I type- my clock reads 3:26 AM. I had been awake for an hour and that's usually when i wake up and find a pointless activety to do.
I love soda.
I need to kick my Little Debby addiction. That freckled floosy- Everytime I go to Wal-mart I get a new box.
Why do the cream filled cakes taunt me so!?
I don't believe you.
*Jeremy can't look away*
I haven't had a soda since Saturday! It has been almost 5 days since i have had a soda.....
The whole point of this is to stop it from controlling my every day life so... I had a 22oz today but it had a lot of ice and now i won't have one for a week or so! And it didn't even like make me want more i had it and then i was fine i didn't crave more or anything!
You're so funny Becca! Man, I just love you!!! How are you doing?
Im doing good! I'm going to seminary now and i am loving it!! I'm doing online classes as well...(not that exciting) And now i am going off soda!
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