Remember when I said I have never been stung by a bee? Well what do you know I freaking got stung by a freaking bee!
I was standing in the kitchen grating cheese when I step on a Bee! At first it felt like I stepped on a thorn but when I looked down where I had stepped there was a shriveled up bee just laying there. I started to moan and lift myself on the counter saying "Uh Bee, Dad, Stung, Help!" So he comes over and pulls it out but it still felt like a needle was repeatedly poking me in the same spot. So I run cold water on it and then put ice on it.
After seeing how Hannah is after all the times she got stung I was like what does it feel like?Does it really hurt or is she just a Drama Queen?
She is just a Drama Queen.
Very calm reaction when you think back and remember the reaction of Hannah when we were camping. ......remember Jeremy? (And yes Hannah we know you were young then,) nevertheless Drama wise Becca was very calm.
Yeah, Hannah is a drama queen for SURE! Sometimes at night I can still hear the screams.....
Remember the other campers there? The ones that were staring at us, wondering if we were murdering a child over at our campsite? I'm surprised we didn't have a ranger show up to check things out.
That one was a splinter Sarah, Not a bee sting.
I remember the splinter too. I was talking about the bee sting... Either way, we had people looking at us on both occasions.
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