Once upon a time On a Friday night Hannah and her friends were going to an institute dance a costume party. I wanted to go now i know what you are thinking I am only 15 and this dance is for 18 and older single adults but I had nothing else better to do and my mom used to go to dances when she was fifteen. So i dressed up as mini mouse. I wore my brides maid dress from Sarah wedding and my 3in red high heels and made ears out of a head band and pipe cleaners. Looking absolutely B-E-A-Utiful
So we set of to the dance. When we got there i felt stupid i was like what am i doing here? It was boring also I didn't know anybody except Hannah and her friends. So I got tired of standing around doing nothing so I just went out side of the gym and sat all by myself. Then this guy eating nachos comes and kinda stands in front of me and I look up and smile and so does he. He was tall and not skinny but not fat and a little mussel. He was acceptable So I look back down And i notice his feet walking towards me and I shocked what do i say I'm not in college? So he sits down and introduces him self and i introduces myself. We talk a little about were we live and grew up then Hannah and her friends come and save me cause i didn't want him to find out how old i was. So he says bye and Hannah and her friend and i giggle then go back into the gym.
So i stand there while one by one Hannah and her friends get asked to dance while i just stand there. When all of a sudden a gentleman comes and asked me to dance! Well I shouldn't say gentleman his costume was the devil but he was tall and not big but not skinny and not mussel but not no mussel. If any of you get that so i said Yes to his dance cause you never say no to a dance. At first i was like "Sorry i don't know how to do this" and he said "just go in circles that good" I laughed And danced and just talked about where i grew up and were he did and what i am doing now and i stuttered and said "online classes" Cause i really am. Thank heavens the song ended before any more question could come out of his mouth.
Then after that Some one starts break dancing and every one circles around but i couldn't really see all i saw was Santa dancing and this other guy next to me asks "Santa break dances now?" I laughed and said "I guess" so i go back over to where Hannah Was and then a few minutes later the same guy comes up to me and asked me to dance so i say yes. He was dressed as a cowboy He was short and skinny, so we danced. He asked me what year i graduated and again i stutter "Umm last year" He laughs and says "you forget" and i was like yeah. And we talk more about what i was doing and again i said "online classes." Then the song ended thank goodness. I was going to walk away but then My eyes widen and my knees weaken by his question It sounded like he was talking slow motion in a deep voice like in those movies where they are like "NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO" you know? Any way in that voice (It seamed like) He asked "I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOUR NUMBER." I stutter and am like "Uhh mm uhh mm Well" thank goodness he says "Its okay you can say no" and i was like "Sorry just not right now" Hes says its okay nice to meet you and walks away. "FEW" i say in my head. I go and tell Hannah and her friends They said NO ONE asked for their numbers. So the dances ends and we leave for home.
Now I bet now you are like okay Becca good, long boring story But it's not over!!
The next day I had to help my dad with a wedding so we went to the temple and as i was videoing Hannah asks "Becca isn't that the guy you talked to last night and forgot his name?" O yeah did i mention the first guy i talked to i forgot his name and i was upset the whole night but i didn't care cause i was never going to see him again So i thought. So i look over and it WAS him!
Jeff is his name The Tall, blond, blue eyed 23 year old man!I was surprised i kinda didn't want him to see me cause he would see the real me Not all dolled up and pretty just this boring no make up on little girl. So i avoided him. But he was the best man of the groom he was going to be at the reception. So i get all pretty and we go to the reception. Of course he was there, Laughing having fun dancing and me avoiding him until the end of the night. He comes up and says " Hey I meet you last night" following a high five and i said yes.
THATS IT! A hey and a high five?! He might as well SLAPPED me in the face!! I was devastated, Depressed, angry, mad and alone!
That is the end of my story i don't know if i will see him again but if i do... well i don't know what i am going to do? I had a great time Friday and i will never forget it.